Nurse retention is directly correlated to healthcare outcomes, and nurse turnover has a negative, multidimensional effect on healthcare organizations. Improving Nurse Retention & Healthcare Outcomes will help clinical nurses understand how to elevate nurse retention.
No matter where you are in your nursing career, this book offers you multiple ways to prioritize your own mental, physical, and emotional health. Self-Care for New and Student Nurses presents techniques to prepare you for stressors present now and those to come.
Delivering Quality Healthcare for People With Disability provides a road map for nurses, nursing students, and other healthcare professionals to deliver quality healthcare for individuals with disability.
High Reliability Organizations: A Healthcare Handbook for Patient Safety & Quality, Second Edition, equips nurses and healthcare professionals with the tools necessary to establish an error detection and prevention system.
If you need to make the leap from single sentences to a published manuscript, you will find valuable help and resources in this fully updated fourth edition of Anatomy of Writing for Publication for Nurses.
Toxic Nursing aims to curb bullying with strategies, tools, and techniques to help nurse leaders, managers, and administrators defuse conflict, turn around toxic situations, and create positive, healthy work environments.