Evidence-Based Practice in Action, Second Edition, is a practical, easy-to-use manual providing strategies, tools, and tips that show healthcare professionals how to apply and sustain EBP in their setting. Inside are valuable recommendations on topic selection, literature searches, research and evidence review, implementation, and evaluation.
Delivering Quality Healthcare for People With Disability provides a road map for nurses, nursing students, and other healthcare professionals to deliver quality healthcare for individuals with disability.
No matter where you are in your nursing career, this book offers you multiple ways to prioritize your own mental, physical, and emotional health. Self-Care for New and Student Nurses presents techniques to prepare you for stressors present now and those to come.
This facilitator’s guide for Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals: Model and Guidelines, Fourth Edition, is intended for use by university faculty and nurses and healthcare clinicians facilitating professional development in healthcare organizations.
High Reliability Organizations: A Healthcare Handbook for Patient Safety & Quality, Second Edition, equips nurses and healthcare professionals with the tools necessary to establish an error detection and prevention system.