The Innovation Handbook

The Innovation Handbook is a pragmatic guide and toolkit that seeks to enlighten nurse leaders as they evolve through the current healthcare crisis.

The Innovation Handbook (Physical)
SKU: 9781-646480-78-4
The Innovation Handbook (EPUB)
SKU: 9781-646480-79-1
The Innovation Handbook (PDF)
SKU: 9781-646480-81-4

The new cornerstone innovation resource for nurse leaders today! Change is difficult, but this innovation guide is an excellent resource to ensure sustainability for nursing today and for years to come.

Margo B. Minissian, PhD, ACNP-BC, NEA-BC, FAHA
Executive Director, Geri and Richard Brawerman Nursing Institute
Simms/Mann Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Nurse Education, Innovation and Research
Assistant Professor, Cardiology Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Transformation in healthcare cannot occur without nurse leaders having an innovation mindset and setting an intentional culture of innovation at their institutions. Dr. Clipper's book should be one of the go-to resource guides for nurse leaders to infuse this culture of innovation throughout health systems. I hope every nurse leader uses this book and commits to transforming not only their health system but the profession of nursing.

Marion Leary, MSN, MPH, RN
Director of Innovation
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

The global healthcare ecosystem is in chaos, caught in the convergence of pandemic-induced disruption, residual inequities, burnout, and turnover. Nurse leaders can either succumb to the churn or spot—and seize—a rare opportunity for true transformation. They must thoughtfully consider all aspects of their traditional roles and tackle trigger topics such as staffing, scheduling, value-based care, outcome tracking, and more. Informed, empowered nurses can re-envision roles, integrate technologies, and develop new models to deliver the highest level of patient care.

The Innovation Handbook is a pragmatic guide and toolkit that seeks to enlighten nurse leaders as they evolve through the current crisis. Author Bonnie Clipper explains concepts and equips nurses with a knowledge foundation that enhances their innovation skill set, spurs ideas and creativity, and challenges them to think differently and apply new concepts. On the cusp of a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create a better future for nursing and healthcare, this book gives nurses the tools to meet the moment!


  • Chapter 1: The Current State of Nursing and the Need to Transform
  • Chapter 2: Speaking the Same Language
  • Chapter 3: Culture as the Foundation of Innovation
  • Chapter 4: Leadership in Turbulent Times
  • Chapter 5: Creating a Future-Facing Care Model
  • Chapter 6: Leadership Tools for Transformation
  • Chapter 7: Leveraging Technology on Our Teams
  • Chapter 8: Conclusion


  • Chapter 5: Creating a Future-Facing Care Model

This free download is available on the Sigma Repository.


Bonnie Clipper, DNP, MA, MBA, RN, CENP, FACHE, FAAN, after more than 20 years as a chief nurse executive, founded Innovation Advantage. She was also the first Vice President of Innovation at the American Nurses Association, where she created an innovation strategy to draw more than 4 million nurses into the innovation space.

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